crafty adventures of a makeup loving Japanophile!



Sunday, 18 March 2012

bits and pieces


today I'm just filling in some bits and pieces, crossing off a couple of things I've been meaning to do on the blog.

First of all, I'm so excited to say that my last card (for the Lawnscaping challenge based on a sketch) was given Honorable Gnome status!! So happy.

Thank you Lawnscaping team for the honour!

Secondly (and very much OVERDUE) I'd like to thank my sweet friend Chari (who is also, might I add, one of the BEST crafters I know!) awarded me the Liebster Blog Award a few weeks ago!

Liebster' is German for 'dearest'. The award is a 'share-the-love' arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers. And here is what a Liebster award recipient must do:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your five blogger picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog (see above)
4. Hope that those you award forward it to their favorite bloggers.

So! Firstly, a HUGE thank you to my darling Chari--I love you! (Even without the Liebster Blog award LOL) five pics (WOWZA, this is hard!) Now, I'm not sticking with the rule of 'under 200 followers', I'm just picking people I think deserve a little love right now :) Most of these people have around the 200 mark anyway--if it was visible on their blogs :)

1. Mary Dawn: without her my days would be so VERY dull and lonely and I'm SO excited to be starting our new blog together soon. I can't think of anyone I'd rather do it with--she's an amazing woman and crafter
2. Laurel Beard: Always cheery (even when she's not feeling it!), always sweet and kind and SO passionate about crafting! Great blog :)
3. Leena Loh: I'm only new to her blog but she's amazing.
4. Michelle Wooderson: ALWAYS always always inspiring me. To the point of ridiculousness.
5. Jennifer McGuire (definitely NOT under 200 followers) lol. So inspirational, SO sweet and GENIUINE and kind. SO amazingly talented.

There are at least another 20 people I'd like to include, but it will take me all day to find all their URLS etc LOL. Just know I love ya's!! :)

Oh! And I just today participated in my first 90 minute scramble over at the Hero Arts Flickr Group and I'm SO SO thrilled to say I won!! Here is my terrible i-phone photo of my card. I literally can't believe it! I even thought to myself "I'm never doing a 90 minute scramble again, my cards are RUBBISH" (I'm a slooow crafter). I'll have to stop listening to my own inner voice LOL

OK That's it for me!

Have a fantastic day and I'll be back soon

Linda xx

1 comment:

Chari Moss said...

You are so sweet! I love you too!!!! :) I've missed chatting with you lately. :( We must remedy that soon! Congrats on the 90 min scramble, I'm a slow crafter too so I'm totally impressed that you did it!!!! YAY YOU!