Tuesday 9 December 2014

Some Odd Girl HolODDday Hop!

Hello Oddies, welcome to Day 1 of our Hol-ODD-Day Hop!
We Odd Girls have joined together for a fun event for EVERYONE - not just because you get to hop, but because you get to PARTICIPATE and share your own holiday creations. So glad you've joined us for our 3rd annual Hol-ODD-Day Hop!

We mixed things up a bit to bring you a nice variety of holiday projects that we hope will inspire you.

You can comment on all of the blogs, participate by linking your own below (to be eligible to win, be sure you link to us in your post), and comment throughout the event on other people's links as well! And there will be PRESENTS! The hop goes from now through Friday, December 12th, and we'll be announcing 3 winners next Wednesday, December 17th, so you have plenty of time to comment between now and then! Our Hol-ODD-Day Hop link party will close at midnight on Friday the 12th.

Today, all of the Odd Girls have projects to share for the big event, so you can visit their blogs to see all the action happening. Here's the hop list for our awesome team:

It's an Odd Girl Snowglobe!!!

I'll come back soon to give you deets on how I did this, but with so much awesome talent on this team, you need to get hopping to see the rest of the projects.

Remember to comment along the way, and link up your holiday-themed projects using Some Odd Girl stamps (new or old)!

Next stop is the delightful KATIE

See you soon!


Monday 8 December 2014


Hi there!

BIG news to share today.  SUCH a big secret that I've had to keep for MONTHS!!

First I'll tell you my news, and then I'll fill you in.


We have a scrapbooking magazine here in Australia, called Scrapbooking Memories-- and it is THE magazine. It showcases incredibly talented artists, a wide variety of styles, its just amazing. I've been a huge fan of it for several years.

A year or so ago, I saw the December issue while I was in the airport, about to leave Melbourne to move back to Perth, and bought it. I read it on the plane here and there, and kept re-reading the Masters articles.

Masters are 10 lucky scrapbookers, who enter a competition, and if chosen, are in the magazine for the year, showing their beautiful work, based on challenges from participating sponsor companies.

I remember thinking "I'm never going to be that good." (I wasn't being a downer, I just really never thought I'd ever be in that league).

Fast-forward several months, and a friend who is on one the Scrappy Canary design team with me, (Bernii--who is also a Master for this year, and is INCREDIBLY good), mentioned to the DT group, that the Masters competition had just been announced.  There were about 12 weeks to enter and strict specifications of what was required to do so. As soon as she said it, my gut told me to give it a go. (My gut NEVER says that lol)

I got to work (or play really), on the required projects. I was so so so inspired by the challenges we had to follow. The work I did, was honestly the best I've ever done. I was so inspired, I got all but one of the projects finished within about four days. It just flowed out of me. On the day I needed to get my parcel packed up and ready to ship to the magazine for submission, I felt sick. Literally. I was clammy and my heart was pounding as I taped up the box. I almost told Matt (hubs) to take it for me.

So I sent it in, and held my breath for what felt like weeks, until September 1st, when the winners would be phoned.

September 1st arrived, and I was a zombie. We'd had the WORST week or two where the entire family had been sick as dogs, several things had gone wrong and basically I was wallowing about life.

I walked around the house with my mobile phone in hand just in case. I kept repeating to myself 'it doesn't matter if you don't get it, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter it doesn't matter'.

I got the baby to sleep, and sat down with some tea.  I glanced at Facebook and my heart dropped into my stomach when I saw Scrapbooking Memories had posted a photo of Vanessa (the editor) ringing winners).

Then my phone rang and it was a Sydney number.

I don't know anyone in Sydney.

Now, I'm not going to give you a blow-by-blow account of the phone call because in all honesty, it was embarrassing. I sobbed. I sobbed and sat down on the bed and stared out the windows while Vanessa told me they loved my work and were inviting me to be a master. I sobbed so much I'm not sure my words made any sense to her!

I also apologised for sobbing so much LOL!

After I hung up the phone, I walked around the house in a daze. Hubs came home for lunch and I told him, he was so happy and excited for me. (He knew I'd get in apparently lol).

I'm not sure if anyone in my family "gets it", how exciting this is. how big of a deal it is. For you stampers and crafters, it's kinda like being named Stamping Royalty. It's THE big deal.

But there you have it.

I'm beyond excited and thrilled and still very much in disbelief.

I've done several of the assignments for the year and I'm still so very nervous but all-the-while having so so much fun.

And now today that I can tell you, I'm SO relieved. I've felt like bubbles were inside me bursting to get out.

And before I go, I have to thank three ladies. Ruth and Lisa for being my cheerleaders and keeping me sane while I made my submission projects (I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I got in till now!!!!) and to Mary Dawn who has no idea I submitted at all, but who's voice kept me going all the way through the entire process. She was the first person to ever tell me she loved my work, that it was beautiful and ethereal and that I'm her favourite scrapbooker. Without that voice of support in my head, I wouldn't have ever tried.

I can't WAIT to share my projects with you once they start being published (SQUEEEE!!!)

See you soon

Linda xxx

Sunday 7 December 2014

Watercolour Winter Trees: a video

Hi crafty peeps!

I'm here with ANOTHER video for you! I know! shocking :)

So today I'm using the beautiful Neat and Tangled set called Winter Trees--oh my goodness I love it to pieces!

I'll add links to all the products as soon as I can :)

Hope you liked!

See you again soon

L xx